Root words that relate to the term “Clarity” are thought to come from the Sanskrit usakala. These roots are associated with the dawn and to the rooster’s crowing to mark the break of day. A bright idea dawns on us in a similar way. The day becomes more light-filled, and we can see more clearly. By such mechanism, we find clarity.
I self-identify as a person who more readily prefers extraversion. Sometimes I am not quite sure what I am thinking about inside until I “get it out there.” I “extravert” (is that a verb?) by writing, by speaking, by singing, by speculating with a group. Thus, I come to a sense of what is inside the murkiness of my heart-mind . . . it dawns on me . . . and I find Clarity.

We’ve been thinking together about pluralism this month. We’ve had sermons and blog posts and even some linguistically and culturally...

Blessed Beltane!
Our group Exploring Earth-Centered Spirituality met on Saturday to consider the neo-Pagan holidays centered around May Day. My own...

A public friend, a member of the clergy from another religion, once kidded with me that Unitarian Universalists must have it easy around...

Asking the Clergy: LGBT Inclusiveness in Your Faith
Published in Newsday, January 21, 2024 Jim Merritt, Special to Newsday In December, Pope Francis took a small but significant step toward...

Thoughts for the Long Dark Nights
Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you. I wish I could show you, when you are...

Remarks at Friends Academy on “Connection” During Holiday Times
As we approach the season of the Winter Solstice, I begin with a few words by Wendell Berry: “To Know the Dark” To go in the dark with...

A National Day of Mourning observed by the United American Indians of New England
Each year of the fourth Thursday in November, indigenous people of the eastern United States, led by the Wampanoag, observe the arrival of...

Fall, 2023: The season of marigolds, at least in my extended family
I share my life with a household that started in Baltimore but which has grown and moved as the laborers with whom I have shared my home...

A Very Special Anniversary!
I don’t know how I can adequately thank this congregation for celebrating with me the anniversary of my ordination to the Unitarian...

Caring and Covenant
Excerpted from Rev. David Carl Olson’s Sermon on October 1, 2023 May the work of my hands speak for...

On Repentance and Repair—Taking Part in the UUA Common Read
On September 30, we begin our collective reflection on Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg’s book, On Repentance and Repair: making amends in an...

A Poem for the Days of Awe
“The Head of the Year,” by Marge Piercy, shared by Rev. David Carl Olson The poem carries some reference to Rosh Hashanah (literally,...
Another 9/11
Like many people, I became the public adult that I am while undergoing the life changes of leaving home to go to college, being graduated...

Remembering 9/11
Remembering 9/11 The Manhasset Clergy Association held its annual remembrance of the attacks on the world Trade Center on September 11,...

Soulful Sundown Poetry-September 2023
“Shadow Play” Here is a poem that was included in this month’s Soulful Sundown. It originally appeared in Poetry, January 1987....

Love Is at the Center
The recent Annual Meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association—we call it General Assembly or “GA”—decided by an overwhelming...

Meditation on Earth, shared by Rev. David Carl Olson
At the conclusion of the 2023 General Assembly of the UUA in Pittsburgh, PA, a meditation on stewardship of Earth, by Rev. David Carl Olson

What does Shelter Rock offer Millennials?
Millennials value community, cooperation, and service. UUCSR’s Lifespan Religious Education program welcomes young families who...

I Brought My Spirit to the Sea
I am delighted, these days, to take a walk around the Town Dock in Port Washington, to be just-a-little-jealous of people walking their...

A Labyrinth Movement
Labyrinth at Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center, a UU conference center in Lanoka Harbor, NJ. Photo by David Carl Olson In Greek...

From Baton Rouge, LA
I recently attended the installation of Rev. Chris Long as Minister for Congregational Life at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Baton...

Touchstones: Delight, by Rev. David Carl Olson
I was recently reminded that an early proponent of Unitarianism in our country thought that we should practice “charity, forbearance, and...

Almost Spring, by Rev. David Carl Olson
Have we had the worst of the cold for this winter? I’m used to there being a mid-winter thaw around the time of my birthday (last week),...