Our Mission
This group functions under its own guidelines in planning and presenting programs, but it is responsible to the Board of Trustees. It shall elect its own officers. (Bylaws 8.2 A.6). Women’s Group provides support for women in personal, spiritual and life transition issues, and sponsors educational and cultural programs to enrich women’s lives. We are actively engaged in the advancement of women’s issues, such as pay equity, reproductive freedom and the amendment for equal rights under the law. Women’s Group hopes to add its own dimension to the spiritual life of the church by its exploration of feminist theology in combination with our ministers. We have several social action events and fund raisers throughout the year and many social activities.
Every year, the UUCSR Women's Group compiles a handbook for their members.

UUCSR Women's Group Booklet 2024-2025
Women's Group Programming
Join the Women's Group mailing list to stay informed about regular programming.
- Women Talk Daytime
- Film Series (twice monthly)
- Book Group (monthly)
- Annual Fall Luncheon
- Mother’s Day Brunch and Speaker Event
- TGIF Friday Evening Programs (monthly)
- Seasonal Special Events
- Educational Programming
To join the list, call Lex Jellema at 516.472.2920 or click below to email your request.
Women’s Group invites you to join Women Talk Daytime Multiplatform Meeting facilitated by Sandra Frank on first and third Tuesdays of each month at noon. Please refer to the calendar for details.
The format is simple. On the first Tuesday of the month, attendees are invited to discuss current events by taking turns by “going around.” On the third Tuesday of the month, a specific topic previously chosen by the group guides the discussion to start. Besides talking, attendees listen, learn, and share information and their individual stories. In the process, participants bond with each other and have a lot of fun. You can meet in person in the Office Conference Room or join in on the discussion in your home via Zoom.
Questions? Please contact Lex Jellema – ljellema@uucsr.org. Thank you. Join in person or with the link below.
Film Series
Watch films at your convenience! Join discussions led by Patti Paris on Zoom!
Questions? Please contact Patti at parislibrary@yahoo.com. All are welcome.
We would have every arbitrary barrier thrown down. We would have every path laid open to Woman as freely as to Man. Were this done…we believe the divine energy would pervade nature to a degree unknown in the history of former ages, and that no discordant collision, but a ravishing harmony of the spheres, would ensue.