Sunday Services
Through spoken word, sermons, music, silence, and meditation, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock offers Services that welcome all to reflect upon the events of our lives and the events of our world in sacred space.
Worship cultivates fresh awareness and insights for living, and for sharing sorrows and joys. In communal worship, we seek to grow and thrive together. We celebrate the gift of life and the interdependent web of which we are a part.
You can attend services onsite or online (on this website, Facebook and YouTube) every Sunday at 11 am.

Children's Worship
You are welcome to join Children’s Worship on Sundays. Everyone is welcome to these multigenerational experiences. Children’s Worship is held live onsite and in-person.
Through sharing stories, songs, and spiritual practices, we explore some of the building blocks of justice: Empathy, Respect, and Relationship – essential gifts we can all bring to build a just and joyful world.
Soulful Sundown Services
Soulful Sundown Services are contemporary evening Services with live music and spoken word woven together into a one-hour experience like no other. It is at once, spiritual, soulful, enlightening, and entertaining. Live streamed on all of our platforms, you can watch, listen, and move with The Cosmic Orchestra and Shelter Rock’s ministers on the second Friday evenings of each month at 7:30 PM.