Providing all with opportunities to address the injustices faced by those with mental illness
The Mental Health Sub-Committee of Social Justice provides opportunities for UUCSR members and friends to share information about Mental Health issues, to engage in advocacy, and to promote an environment that reduces stigma and fosters empathy.
The group does this by providing a variety of educational opportunities, promoting understanding of and action on legislative issues addressing mental illness, and hosting support groups at UUCSR organized by the Nassau/Queens affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Such initiatives address the injustice affecting those with mental illness and those who love them.
Mental Health is a Sub-Committee of the Social Justice Committee

Purposes and Programs
The group supports the work of several local organizations, including the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and several of its programs, AA, Nar-Anon, in addition to educating and supporting members of the UUCSR community about mental health issues.
Recent special programs organized by the Mental Health Sub-Committee:
– Book Talk re: Difficult adult children
– Film Screenings with Q&A
– Shoe Drive to support NAMI

Partnership in Pursuit of Compassion and Support for Mental Health
Maria Ceraulo receiving award from NAMI Queens/Nassau honoring her work and UUCSR’s support for NAMI for many years.
All are welcome to get involved!
Members convene regularly as a Sub-Committee of the Social Justice Committee. Newcomers are always welcome. Questions? Please contact Jeannie Gross, Staff Support (via email using the button below or 516.472.2914).