The view from the solarium, one of the common rooms at Hadley House, is sometimes a magnificent sunset over Port Washington.
Hadley House is a Senior Residence operated by UUCSR Hadley House, LLC.
Photo Gallery

In keeping with UUCSR Hadley House, LLC principles, Hadley House operates as an independent living facility for Unitarian Universalists and their close relatives, aged 62 and over. Specifically, on behalf of the Congregation:
• Provides safe, affordable rental housing for seniors at Hadley House
• Fosters a caring community at Hadley House
• Exercises responsible stewardship of the property

Hadley House is located in Port Washington, NY, an attractive waterfront community. Port Washington boasts a fine public library, good train connections to Manhattan and many opportunities to join clubs, classes and volunteer groups. Port Washington is adjacent to Manhasset, home of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock, which owns UUCSR Hadley House, LLC and operates Hadley House as an Apartment Building for Independent Seniors.

Persons aged 62 and over who have been contributing members of a Unitarian Universalist congregation for at least two years and their close relatives may apply to be put on the waiting list, currently 3-5 years. Rents are comparable to senior housing in the area.
Hadley House contains 40 apartments (32 one-bedroom, 8 two-bedroom), lounge, solarium, laundry rooms and parking garage. Tenants pay for electricity (heat, AC, lights, cooking, hot water). Security alarms (emergency call buttons in bedrooms and bath) unlock the apartment door and turn on lights and bells in the hallway. No meals are served and no health care is provided.
Inquiries may be directed to social worker Susan Bagnini (516.944.8457).